March 2023

 Ross Baptist Recorder

March 2023

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Spring has Sprung!

Years ago, when I was a child, my grandmother used to tell me this little ditty:

Spring has sprung

The grass is riz’

I wonder where the birdie is?

They say the birdie’s on the wing,

But that’s absurd,

The wing is on the bird!

    This rhyme, intended for the simple mind of a young child, will probably never make the laureate list.  But when one reads it more, one discovers how sophisticated it is.  There is a play on words that makes one think about the phrase: "the bird is on the wing."   This means the birds are in flight and probably returning from their nesting grounds in the deep south.  But in reality, the bird's body part causing it to fly is attached to the bird's body.   How then can the bird "be on the wing" with the wing on the bird at the same time.  This is like asking "how can God be here and "up there," at the same time.  This is the attribute of God's omnipresence, or character of being everywhere at once- in real time, at the same time.  And yet God is not just in the present: He is also in the future.  In fact He is already there.  

  David said in Psalm 139:7-12: "Where can I go from your Spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? If I ascend into heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, you are there; if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me," even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you (Psalm 139:7-12)."

    Thank God for the beauty of the new season coming upon us, and for His unchanging love that is constantly with us.  Have a blessed and beautiful month ahead!

Enjoy this article featuring Ross Baptist Church in the Bertie Ledger:

Bertie Ledger.  

Messages of Thanks have been received from:

April Smithwick and Bobbi Smithwick:  For prayers, loving support and comfort given following the recent passing of her father,  Albert T. Tarkenton.

Senior Adult Gala Mission Resource Center Sunday, March 26, 2023  3:00pm 
Let’s get rejuvenated!!! Come out for an afternoon of fun, fellowship and games. It’s time to treat ourselves to the fun factor of our lives with some joy and fun. Bring a friend! This event is sponsored by the WCBA Family Social Ministries Team.

Franklin Graham God Loves You Tour:  Save the Date!  Sunday, May 7, 2023. 4:00PM 
at the Chowan/American Legion Fairgrounds, Edenton! Please bring your own chairs/blankets
The God Loves You Tidewater Tour is coming to the Albemarle Sound region to give the lost an opportunity to know Jesus and encourage believers in their faith. The free evening will feature a message of hope from Franklin Graham and music by Newsboys and Marcos Witt.

Known Hospitalized February 2023

Grace Hoggard:  ECU Health Medical Center, Greenville
Kasey Harrison:  ECU Health Children's Hospital, Greenville
Beverly Hoggard: ECU Health North Hospital, Roanoke Rapids
Stan Hoggard: ECU Health North Hospital, Roanoke Rapids
Phyllis Johnson: ECU Health Medical Center, Greenville (Outpatient)

March Church Calendar

MARCH 2023









Prayer & Bible Study/ Youth
7:45PM Worship Team

Sunday School
Morning Worship
6PM Deacons

Prayer & Bible Study/ Youth
7:45PM Worship Team

DST Begins
Sunday School
Morning Worship
6:00 Executive Committee
Polly Brach
Cross Life
Missions Team

Prayer & Bible Study/ Youth
7:45PM Worship Team

Sunday School
Morning Worship

Prayer & Bible Study/ Youth
7:45PM Worship Team

Sunday School
Morning Worship
Senior Adult Gala
Cross Life
Missions Team

Prayer & Bible Study/ Youth
7:45PM Worship Team


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