Ross Baptist Recorder December 2022


 Ross Baptist Recorder

1020 Bull Hill Road, Windsor, NC 27983
Pastor's Phone: (252) 340-3272  Church Email:
Rev. Dr. Jeffery C. Russell, Pastor

_______________December 2022______________

Lottie Moon Christmas Auction Update:
We wish to thank everyone who participated in this year's resuming of the Lottie Moon Christmas Auction on Friday,  Dec. 2.   A great many articles were donated and auctioned off with over $4000.00 of proceeds raised towards this year's LMCO for International missions!   

James "Slick" Faella was the winner of the beautiful, hand-made quilt made by Phyllis Johnson called "Blue Jays in the Snow."  Over $1200 was raised in raffle tickets with this item alone.  Thank you to Phyllis for this beautiful donation and to everyone for their support of the LMCO for International Missions! 
May be an image of christmas tree and indoor


Deacons Christmas Fruit Basket Delivery:
34 Christmas fruit baskets were delivered on Sunday, December 4 to our widows, shut-ins, and those in need of some Christmas love in the Name of Jesus Christ. 

Moravian Love Feast Sunday December 11, 6:00 PM.

Everyone is invited for our Moravian Lovefeast on December 11 at 6:00 PM.  Coffee and pastry rolls will be served in a candlelight celebration of Christmas music, carols, and Scripture readings in our beautifully decorated sanctuary.  One of our former pastors, Rev. Garry Mickey, will be bringing the special music program during the service.  The purpose of the Lovefeast is to promote Christian unity, love, fellowship, and joy.

Sunday December 18, 11:00 AM

Adult Christmas Cantata

The Adult Choir will be singing musical melodies from two selections of Brentwood-Benson choir cantatas doing the Sunday morning worship service.  Robin L. Russell will be the director.  All are invited.

Children's Christmas Nativity Program 6:00 PM 

The children will be singing and pantomime the Christmas Nativity program in the sanctuary.  Christmas goodies and finger-foods will be served, featuring a "Happy Birthday to Jesus" celebration including a special birthday cake honoring our Savior's birth.  The treats will be served in the fellowship hall.

Happy 98th Birthday Party for Mrs. Clementine Castelloe. December 18
There will also be a Happy Birthday Party for "Mrs Teenie" on Sunday Dec 18 from 2:00-4:00 PM at the Perrytown Fire Hall in Perrytown.  All are invited to wish her well in her journey towards 100!    Happy Birthday, Mrs. Teenie!

Christmas Sunday Morning Celebration: December 25 at 11:00 AM.

Attention: Please note that there will be no Sunday school this date.

Previous Reflections:   

J.J. Jasper Makes a Huge Hit at Wild Game Dinner in Windsor, NC. Nov 5
Nearly 200 people gathered to enjoy great food and fellowship at the Wild Game Dinner on Nov. 5 at Windsor's Chief's Grill and Chill.  J.J. also stayed over to preach at our church the next day during the morning worship service.  Here are a few photos from that event:

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Update:
On November 20,  750 OCC shoeboxes were gathered from our church inclusive with a total of 1353 shoeboxes from our collection center.  The shoeboxes were crated up and loaded into two trailers and delivered to the regional distribution point at Evangelical Methodist Church, Elizabeth City, where the crates of shoeboxes were loaded in tractor-trailers dispatched for the distribution warehouses in Charlotte and Boone, NC.  Praise God for giving us an unprecedented ingathering this year!   A challenge was given to us to have a goal of 1000 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes for 2023!   
OCC Christmas Card Post Office:
   The Youth are sponsoring Operation Christmas Child Post Office this year.  For 50 cents a card, the Youth will deliver your cards to active church families through the month of December.  You may deposit the postage in a designated envelope and place into the offering plates.  Proceeds will go towards shipping for OCC Shoeboxes.  

Mission Trip to OCC Distribution Centers in Boone/Charlotte. Dec 9-10 :
Team Bertie will be travelleling to the Boone and the Charlotte OCC processing centers Dec 9-10 to help sort, pack, and recrate shoeboxes to prepare them for shipping overseas.  The team will be returning late Saturday evening.   
Known Hospitalized:
  • Mary Ann Castelloe: ECU Health Medical Center, Greenville.
  • Erin Harrison, ECU Health Chowan, Edenton.  
  • Billie Jo Hoggard: ECU Health Roanoke-Chowan, Ahoskie; ECU Health Med Center, Greenville.
  • Grace Hoggard: ECU Health Medical Center, Greenville.
  • Lee Ann Hoggard:  ECU Health Bertie, Windsor.
  • Spencer Hoggard: ECU Health Medical Center, Greenville.
Please Remember our Rest Home and Home-Bound Members:
Clementine Castelloe: at home.
Calvin Cobb: at home. 
Alice D. Hoggard: at home.
Doris Hoggard: at home.
Spencer Hoggard: at home. 
Tommy Tucker Hoggard: at home. 
Alice Jarrell: at home.
Tracey & Lois Jernigan: at home.
Freddie & Kathy Todd: at home.

From December 4, 2022 Church Bulletin:

Prayer Needs


Church Family 

Mary Ann Castelloe, Bob Farless, Billie Jo Hoggard, Esther Johnson, 

Jonathan Johnson, Shane Lowers, Juanita Surgeon, Sheldon White


HospitalNursing Home, Homebound

Herbert & Peggy Askew, Clementine Castelloe, Calvin Cobb, 

Grace Hoggard, Spencer Hoggard, Tommy Tucker Hoggard, 

Wallace & Lee Ann Hoggard, Alice Jarrell, Lois Jernigan, 

Elsie Johnson, Freddie & Kathy Todd, Gaynor White



Diane Ambrose, Mary Barnes, Judy Basnight, Wendy Basden, 

Danny Bazemore, Gwen Bazemore, Christine Blakney, Matthew Bond, 

Henry Brabble, Michael Bryant, Betty Butler, Sean Burris, Rebecca Cale, 

Tommy Collis, Tommy Colter, Mike Conner, Ray Crawford, 

Barbara Davenport, Jerry Davenport, Al Davidson, Barbara Davidson,

 Herman Davidson, Margaret Davidson, Allyson Davis, Kathy Draffin, 

James Dunlow, Lloyd Dunlow, Tony Dunlow, Claire Faircloth, 

David Fleetwood, Eddie Gann, Ruth Groff, Doc & Ann Haislip, 

Laura Hamilton, Asa Hardison, Barbara Harrison, Billy Harrell, 

Wayne Harrell, Rose Henry, Alice Hoggard, Charlie Mae Hoggard, 

Darryl Hoggard, Frieda Hoggard,

Tracie Jarvis, Monk & Janice Jernigan, Steve Jilcott, 

Allen Johnson, Eva Johnson, Joy Johnson, Ervin Lassiter, Robert Lawrence,

Ricky Leggett, Sharon Lewis, Mike Martin, Richard Matthews, Tammy Lee,

Eddie McNair, Henrietta Miller, Wyatt Mingin, Robert Mitchell, 

Kurt Mizelle, Tim Mizelle, Jase Moore, 

James Murrell, Kirk & Anna Norris, James Phelps, Keith Phipps, 

Rachel Pierce, Anna Grace Rawls, Martha Price, 

James & Janice Rhodes, Casey & Daniel Roberson, 

Jane Roberson, Ansley Robison, Gayle Russell, Ella Ann Seals, 

Stacy Simmons, Johnny Smith, Dorethea Speller, 

Linda Spivey, Al Tarkenton, Bruce Taylor, 

Howard & Melissa Taylor, Jordan Travis, 

Dylan Warren, Mary Watson, Judith Weaver, 

Kenneth Weaver, Diane White, Shelby White,

Teresa White, Joann Wommack, Joseph Wommack, 

Students Away: 

Brooke Hoggard, Kelsey Ledford, Jenna Ledford, Riley Barnes

Hurricane Ian Victims, First Responders and Medical workers,

Nursing home residents, COVID-19 victims, 

Samaritans Purse Staff and Volunteers,

Christians in Afghanistan, Crisis in the Ukraine,

Turbulent times in our Nation, Lost Friends and/or Family, 

Our Troops: Jared Russell

From:  America Defense of Freedom

On December 5th, ADF’s CEO, President, and General Counsel, Kristen Waggoner, will argue 303 Creative v. Elenis at the U.S. Supreme Court.The case sets out to answer a fundamental question: Can the government force an artist to speak messages that violate her deeply held beliefs? The Constitution answers that question: “No.” But that hasn’t stopped Colorado from misusing its law to threaten and punish people it disagrees with. Lorie Smith, owner of 303 Creative, is now turning to the Supreme Court for justice.We’re praying that justice will prevail – and we need your help.Will you and your congregation join us in covering Lorie Smith and her case in prayer? Here are some specific prayer requests: 

  • Pray for Lorie and the outcome of her case. Ask for the Lord’s favor and that He give Lorie and her family strength and endurance as the litigation continues. 
  • Pray for the justices, that they would seek justice and truth in this case.
  • Pray for the opposing counsel that they will recognize that free speech belongs to all Americans. 
  • Pray for Kristen. Ask God to give her endurance and encouragement in her preparation, the words to say during oral arguments, and favor with the justices.

Thank you for standing with Lorie and lifting her and her case up in prayer.Blessings,The ADF Church Alliance TeamP.S. If you’re interested in learning more about Lorie and her case, click here to read the blog

Ever Wonder:  What's an Association Anyway?  What's it Good For?  
Please click this video link to find out:

BSCNC Resources/Guidelines on Preventing Sexual Abuse in the Church:

1) Overview: "Don't Make Assumptions"; The 3 'Rs'

2) Sample Child and Youth Abuse Prevention Program

3) Making Churches Safe Places for Children: Creating a Child Safety and Security Policy










10AM Sunday School
11AM Morning Worship

Prayer & Bible Study
Worship Team

Mission trip
departs for OCC
Mission trip
returns from OCC
10AM Sunday School
11AM Morning Worship
Moravian Love Feast

Polly Branch

Prayer & Bible Study
Worship Team

10AM Sunday School
6 PM
Christmas Program &

Cross Life
Mission Team

Prayer & Bible Study
Worship Team

Christmas Eve

Morning Worship

No Prayer & Bible Study

New Year's Eve


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