
Showing posts from August, 2022

Ross Baptist Recorder August 2022

Ross Baptist Recorder 1020 Bull Hill Road Windsor, NC 27983 Pastor's Phone: (252) 340-3272  Church Email: Rev. Dr. Jeffery C. Russell, Pastor August 2022 Home-Made Ice Cream Social Planned    All are invited to a church-wide homemade ice cream social on Sunday,  August 21 at 4:00PM.  The Polly Branch Missions Group is planning this activity.   Let's all sit down to several old-fashioned fellowship and fun with our favorite flavors of this delicious summertime treat!              Vacation Bible School Report    We are so very thankful that God blessed us with a wonderful VBS this year with Spark   Studios VBS.   We had a total (adult and children) enrollment of 57 with 32 children present.   5 children professed faith in Jesus  Christ during this as well.  A total of $379 was collected for our VBS offering ministry outreach:  The Family Resource Center of    Ahoskie, a local crisis-pregnancy care center!   Thanks to all of our adult and youth volunteers and